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Bral 'Il Traforo e falegname'
(Fretwork and Carpentry)

Whilst Bral is better known for its metal constructional sets, it also produced a variety of Fretwork and carpentry sets. These are included here for completeness.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Robert Braglinia, 34 Vin Paola, Lomazzo, Milan, Italy

Below there are photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Bral 'Traforo' (Fretwork) set. Art.139 from the 1960s.
(Added 15/09/2023)

A Bral 'Traforo e falegname (Fretwork and Carpentry) set in a wooden box. Art.160. from the 1960s.
(Added 15/09/2023)

A Bral 'Traforo e falegname (Fretwork and Carpentry) set in a wooden box. From the 1970s.
(Added 15/09/2023)

A Bral 'Traforo' (Fretwork) set. Probably late 1970s or early 1980s
(Added 15/09/2023)

A compilation of various Bral advertising literature, which including the 'Traforo' sets.
(Added 15/09/2023)